Friday, January 2, 2015

Opinion essay

     Social networks are said to be necessary to help us to communicate and expand our world; however, they produce more drawbacks than benefits. In a worldwide expansion of the technology, people lose their direction in life entering the infinite world of social networks. Whereas most people believe they are the greatest invention of the last century, some of us truly think they are a step backwards in human evolution. Their capacity is amazing, but people are so much focused on them that they don’t enjoy their real life.

     The majority of people consider these net platforms as a way for communication – which is true. Nevertheless, they are quite obsessed with applications such as “WhatsApp” of “Twitter”, and they lose themselves in them. Other reasons are that social networks help you to socialize, (as you don’t have to have a face-to-face conversation), as well as to keep in contact with friends, to get interesting news or, even, to be cool. These could be strong reasons to support them if people really use them in the way they say they do.

     The truth of the social networks is that people use them to take a break from their exhausting works of studies. Furthermore, they are a way for people to disconnect from real life. Although socializing is a hard point, users become shier and shier since thy usually talk to people in chats ant ton in real experience.  In addition, finding friends through the Internet is not only dangerous but also disappointing due to the fact that friendship is, more and more, losing its true meaning. For instance, when you meet a friend and you receive a message, you feel the necessity of answering it and you focus on your mobile and not on what your fiend is telling you.

     Before technologies found their climax, human beings enjoyed walking, watching the breathtaking world they live in, and found little experiences richer that now. Personal relationships were more personal and life was less stifling. However, although most of time they don’t benefit us, sometimes they are necessary, like when someone you love is far away from you. Thus, people should try to find equilibrium between those points of view.

     To sum up, technologies aren’t the worst thing that the human being has invented, but we don’t have to overuse them. Real life should be as important as virtual life (or more). In order to solve this problem, people have to find a balance between old and modern ages to make social networks and currently fashions don’t have as technological implication as they have. Enjoying life should be the most important thing, and not locking ourselves up in a digital world.

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