Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Basic Income

Hi everyone!!

Have you ever heard about the unconditional basic income? According to the official page of Europeans Citizens’ Initiative for an Unconditional Basic Income (, Basic Income is “a guaranteed income, given to all in addition to any other income they might receive. By advancing equality and economic participation while enabling simpler welfare systems, UBI leads to a fairer and more efficient society.”

You can understand it better with the following video:

I would say that Basic Income is a good idea based on equality and the defense of one of the most important rights as is the life one. As a population initiative, it looks for our happiness and social stability. It could be a great project to develop that can help poor people to get a dignified home and life style. Moreover, it could prove the imagination of people due to the fact that we weren’t under so much pressure and we could develop our real skills. It could benefit us to live the life we want with no thinking about our economic condition.

However, freedom makes us lazier and our society would weaken. If you are paid without doing anything, you won’t do anything. The worst disadvantage about Basic Income is that we woudn´t need to find a job to live, nevertheless we would need it to have a high social state. Only few people would work in the same way than without Basic Income and it isn’t fair that they would earn the same than who do nothing.

To sum up, Basic Income is an awesome idea for an idealized society based on unselfishness, hard work and solidarity. However, our society don’t accomplish with these aims. Thus, we shouldn’t take this initiative on. 

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